Sunday, November 14, 2010

Ice Cube Golf

…and then the cold front blew through the Four Corners last week and our golfing possibilities took a turn for the frigid.

When a cold wind is blowing hard, the grass is crunchy, and you’re wearing so many layers that it’s hard to swing, there is a very funny THUNK sound that happens when your club connects with the golf ball. Even worse, the path that the ball takes after this THUNK is unpredictable.

This weekend was less than balmy and so the normally intrepid WNMLF golfers had a hard time in the November wind chill.

We gave it a go for three holes (using our friend Alan’s check-mark system of scoring) and then abandoned the course for a cup of hot stuff at our favorite Durango Joe’s coffee shop.

These are the times that try golfers’ souls.

A nice hot Harvest Spice Latte made us feel better.

Saturday, November 13, 2010

Golf Deficit Disorder

We would like to report the observation of an insidious condition that has struck in the heart of our local golfing community—Golf Deficit Disorder (GDD).

Symptoms appear to be sinus headaches, seasonal affective disorder (from lack of time outdoors in the sunlight), impatience with all others in our general vicinity, and ear wax.

The only treatment we have found that may alleviate this condition is putting the golf bag in the trunk of the car and getting out there on the golf course.

We can report happily that a recent string of days of above-average temperatures in our Four Corners has allowed us a few rounds at Civitan GC, and some of the symptoms of our GDD are abating.