Monday, July 27, 2009

Golf Book Review--Carl Hiaasen

The Downhill Lie: A Hacker’s Return to a Ruinous Sport
We recommend this book with a warning and (of course) some commentary.

The warning: Don’t read this book in public if you’re concerned about people looking at you when you laugh out loud.

Our commentary: We were especially taken with Toad Golf (you have to read it to get it) and his explanation of the golfing handicap system. We still don’t understand handicapping, but we have to agree with Carl that too much effort at this will “make your head explode.”

It is our observation that Carl is actually a much better golfer than most people out there in spite of his Norwegian angst that prevents him from seeing this as FUN.

So what if a golf cart accidentally ends up in the lake? Oops.

Those splasher water balls would make him famous at AT&T ball park in San Francisco where the Giants play.

Three-putts on the green? Hey—it’s still better than four or five.

In short, we think Mr. Hiaasen doth protest too much.

We offer this parting bit of WNMLF wisdom—if things go wrong, you end up with better stories.

1 comment:

  1. I so agree with "if things go wrong, you end up with better stories", and do I have stories!
